Miscellaneous Settings
Name | Default Log Level |
Key |
Value | Plain text. One of the following: info warn error debug Verbose |
Default Value (if any) | info |
Compatibility | iOS Windows Android |
Description | Specify the log level you wish to appear in the Pulsar log. The available levels are:
Notes/Comments |
Name | Default Email Signature |
Key |
Value | Plain text. Can be rich-formatted using HTML. Images not supported at this time. |
Default Value (if any) | Sent by Pulsar for Salesforce.<br>http://www.luminixinc.com" |
Compatibility | iOS Windows Android |
Description | Change the default email signature for outgoing mail from the app. (This currently applies mainly to content library documents sent from the app). |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Hide Advanced Settings Button |
Key |
Value | TRUE/FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | FALSE |
Compatibility | iOS Windows Android |
Description | When this setting is enabled, the settings page within Pulsar app will not display the Advanced Settings button for the user. |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Email recipient(s) for Pulsar Logs |
Key |
Value | comma-, semi-colon-, or newline-separated list of email addresses |
Default Value (if any) |
Compatibility | iOS Windows Android |
Description | When this setting is enabled, the email the user is sending will be sent to the email address(es) specified |
Notes/Comments |
Name | CC Email for Pulsar Logs |
Key |
Value | comma-, semi-colon-, or newline-separated list of email addresses |
Default Value (if any) |
Compatibility | iOS Windows Android |
Description | When this setting is enabled, a copy of the email the user is sending will be sent to the email address specified |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Require a password to use logs Button |
Key |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | FALSE |
Compatibility | iOS Windows Android |
Description | When this setting is enabled, the settings page within Pulsar app will prompt the user to enter a passcode before the logs will be displayed for them. Some institutions only want the admin users to be able to send us logs and this is a way to work with that. |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Disable device calendar events |
Key |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | TRUE |
Compatibility | |
Description | Some users would only like to see SFDC events and not the Exchange/Gmail and other calendars, so managing events is easier for them. |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Change the color of Salesforce events |
Key |
Value | An R,G,B color tuple with values between 0-255 |
Default Value (if any) |
Compatibility | Pulsar v12 + |
Description | Change the default color of the Salesforce events displayed in your calendar |
Notes/Comments | For example :
Name | Change the color of Salesforce events based on an Event object field |
Key |
Value | The name of a field in the Event object. To be used in conjunction with |
Default Value (if any) |
Compatibility | |
Description | Changes the color of the Salesforce events displayed in your calendar based on the value of the field specified. |
Notes/Comments | For example : |
Name | Colors of Salesforce events keyed by Event object field values |
Key |
Default Value (if any) |
Compatibility | |
Description | Changes the colors of the Salesforce events displayed in your calendar based on the value of the field specified. |
Notes/Comments | For example if you specified
Name | Disable/Enable Salesforce Event Creation from MyDay |
Key | pulsar.event.enableCreatesFromMyDay |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | TRUE |
Compatibility | |
Description | Additional control on SF event creation. |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Default Event Length |
Key | pulsar.calendar.defaultEventLength |
Value | An integer number of minutes between 15 and 240. Anything outside this range will be corrected to the min or max value |
Default Value (if any) | When left unset, this value is considered to be 60 minutes. |
Compatibility | |
Description | This value defines the default length of a new Salesforce event object when created through Pulsar. The value is an integer and defines the length in minutes of the meeting. |
Notes/Comments |
Name | SFDC Link Button Action |
Key | pulsar.buttonActions.SObject.Your Title |
Value | Custom PSL. For example :
Default Value (if any) |
Compatibility | |
Description | A Button Action icon will appear in the bottom toolbar for the given SObject detail page. When clicked, you will be able to choose Your Title from a popup menu which will trigger the sLink PSL and open an SFDC page in an embedded web browser. |
Notes/Comments | Multiple button actions for same SObject is supported. See Also : OpenURL PSL Action. |
Name | Android Web View Acceleration |
Key | pulsar.webViewAcceleration.android |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | TRUE |
Compatibility | |
Description | By default, Pulsar will use hardware acceleration (if supported by the device) to render embedded web views. If this is causing problems with your embedded HTML pages, you may choose to set this to FALSE at the cost of slower web view rendering. |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Location Services Timeout |
Key |
Value | number of seconds to wait for location |
Default Value (if any) | 5 |
Compatibility | Pulsar v12 + |
Description | Maximum amount of seconds to wait for location services on the device to return a response. |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Location Services Cache Frequency |
Key |
Value | number of seconds to wait between actual queries of device location |
Default Value (if any) | 0 |
Compatibility | Pulsar v12 + |
Description | Default 0 (seconds), which means that Pulsar will always query the device location services when requested (via PSL, JSAPI, etc), which may be a time-consuming operation. Use this Pulsar Setting to tune the trade off between accuracy/speed. With a setting value > 0, Pulsar will use the last location if it was queried less than that number of seconds ago. |
Notes/Comments |
| |
Name | Custom Database Indexes |
Key |
Value |
Default Value (if any) |
Compatibility | Pulsar v12 + |
Description | Pulsar automatically creates database (sqlite) indexes on Id/Reference fields in addition to fields shown on synced object list views. To create additional indexes, use this setting and specify as many indexes as necessary using one index per line. Each index contains an object api name, a semicolon, and a list of comma-separated fields. The list of fields may be a single field or be multiple fields. Each field may also be specified with collation and ordering options with each option separated by colons. Individual index format (for single and multiple column index): indexed-column: collation options: binary (default), nocase, rtrim ordering options: asc (default), desc Examples: Creating three custom indexes with varying number of fields and options: |
Notes/Comments | If specifying ordering but not specifying collation for a field, you must still include the collation colon (:) as a placeholder. If not specifying options, the defaults noted above are used. If there is any parsing issue or if an object or field does not exist, then the index will be skipped. To confirm that your custom indexes have been created, you can navigate to Pulsar's sqlite area and run a command similar to: select sql from sqlite_master where type = 'index' and tbl_name = '<object api name>' When modifying an existing custom index that has been already created, the previous index will be dropped and the new one added. |
| |
Name | Additional FTS Searchable Fields |
Key |
Value | Comma or New Line separated list of field api names |
Default Value (if any) |
Compatibility | Pulsar v14 + |
Description | Pulsar automatically indexes non reference fields for Full Text Search (FTS) if they are included on any listview downloaded by Pulsar. This setting may be used to include additional fields for FTS that exist in the object schema but not on any synced listview. Example: Key: pulsar.search.Custom_Object__c.searchableFields |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Use Edge PDF Printer (WINDOWS ONLY) |
Key |
Value | TRUE or FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | FALSE |
Compatibility | Pulsar v15 + |
Description | This setting will enable Chromium Edge compatible PDF printing on Windows. |
Notes/Comments | IMPORTANT: v15.0 introduces the new Edge Chromium-based PDF engine on Windows, which more closely matches Pulsar's Android PDF generation. Legacy Windows PDF generation will be DEPRECATED in late 2025, and REMOVED in Summer 2026 release. This will be a breaking change for Windows-specific PDF implementations. In the meantime, this setting or the “useEdge” saveAs API print option can be used to test and develop against the newer functionality. |