Content Library Settings
Name | Automatically Download Content Libraries |
Key | |
Value | newline or comma separated List of Content Library Names (e.g. "Pulsar Docs, Offline Documents, Sales Library") |
Default Value (if any) | |
Compatibility |
Description | Populating this setting will tell Pulsar to download any new or updated content library documents in the Libraries specified automatically. |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Email A Link to the Document Instead of the Document |
Key | |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | FALSE |
Compatibility |
Description | Enabling this setting would send the link to the Content Library doc, so the user click/view can be tracked. |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Hide the Done button on the custom HTML Page |
Key | |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | FALSE |
Compatibility |
Description | By default, a user can click on the Done button to close the custom HTML page and get back to Pulsar Home Page or a Pulsar record screen. In some cases, customers would like to hide the done button on that page. This setting will let enable that behavior. |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Hide the Refresh button on the custom HTML Page |
Key | |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | FALSE |
Compatibility |
Description | By default, a user can click on the Refresh button to reload the custom HTML page. In some cases, customers would like to hide the refresh button on that page to prevent errors with their custom HTML. This setting will hide the button. |
Notes/Comments | New in 9.0.3 |
Name | Prompt the user to confirm leaving a custom HTML page. |
Key | |
Value | <Confirmation message to display when the user tries to leave the page> |
Default Value (if any) | |
Compatibility |
Description | By default, a user can click on the Done, Refresh, Back, and Forward buttons on a custom HTML page without restrictions. In some cases, customers may want to ask the user to confirm leaving the page. For example, if the page is setup for data entry, an admin may want to prevent the user from accidentally moving away from the page and losing any unsaved data. |
Notes/Comments* |
Name | Hide HTML Navigation Buttons (Back, Forward, Refresh) |
Key |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | FALSE |
Compatibility |
Description | This setting will hide the back, forward, and refresh buttons if this setting is specified and set to TRUE. To do this for all HTML documents use the setting without the docId. For example: You can also use it on a per document basis (<docID>.hideNavigation). |
Notes/Comments | Be aware: In addition to hiding the navigation buttons when displaying this document, enabling this setting on a content document will result in the addition of query parameters to the URL returned by getContentDocument for this docId. Specifically it will add "?hideNavigation=true" as the query string on the end of the URL. This may affect your custom documents that attempt to pass query parameters to other documents. |
Name | Hide HTML Navigation Top Bar |
Key |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | FALSE |
Compatibility |
Description | This setting will hide the entire Navigation Bar for all HTML documents ( or on a per document basis (<docID>.hideNavigationBar) if this setting is specified and set to TRUE. The Back, Done, Forward and Refresh buttons will not appear. With this setting applied, HTML documents will be positioned at the top of the visible screen. |
Notes/Comments | Be aware: In addition to hiding the navigation bar when displaying this document, enabling this setting on a content document will result in the addition of query parameters to the URL returned by getContentDocument for this docId. Specifically it will add "?hideNavigationBar=true" as the query string on the end of the URL. This may affect your custom documents that attempt to pass query parameters to other documents. |