List View Settings
Name | Top Level List View Filters |
Key | pulsar.<sobjectAPIName>.topLevelList.filters.whereClause |
Value | Newline separated values of filter fields with optional where clauses |
Default Value (if any) | Account Contact Opportunity Lead |
Compatibility |
Description | Changes the filter fields in the list view. You can setup up to two filters for each list view. This enhanced version of the setting allows you to specify a where clause (if necessary) for a reference (lookup) field. Each filter should be on its own line. The format of the filter line is as follows: <Field API Name> : <SQL Where clause without the 'WHERE' keyword>. Please note that if this setting is specified, it takes precedence over the non enhanced filter setting. |
Notes/Comments | Example (note each filter on its own line with the 2nd filter specifying that only active Pricebooks should be presented as filter selections): Status__c Pricebook2Id : IsActive = 'TRUE' |
Name | Contains Search Fields |
Key | pulsar.<sobjectAPIName>.topLevelList.containsSearchFields |
Value | Comma separated API names of the fields |
Default Value (if any) | |
Compatibility |
Description | For performance reasons, Pulsar optimizes search for "prefix" terms. Pulsar breaks down text contained in record data based on alphanumeric and whitespace boundaries, and then further breaks apart individual terms focusing on the beginning of the term. For example: if you are searching for a record containing "Supremecourt-Exhibit-XYZ1234" you might be able to search for the following terms successfully: "sup", "supreme", "supremeCourt", "Ex", "exhib", "Exhibit", "XY", "xyz", "XYZ1234", "SUPREMECOURT-EX", etc. The following search terms (each contained within the target text) could NOT be used to find the record: "reme", "court", "hib", "Z12", "1234", or even "ourt-Exhibit-XYZ1234" This setting allows you to specify a set of fields on an object for which full "contains" search will work. |
Notes/Comments | This does not include searches for referenced objects on any specific record. The reason is that searches are limited to the table shown in the corresponding Listview. For example, the AccountId field on Contact records only contains text data that looks like the following: "001Abc000000deFGHI", and even though Pulsar will display the Name of the record this represents, the search engine only sees the actual text in the records. |
Name | Hide the Search Bar |
Key | pulsar.<sobjectAPIName>.toplevellist.hideSearchbar |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | FALSE |
Compatibility |
Description | Administrators use this setting to prevent free text search of particular list views, forcing the user to use the filters only. |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Hide the Create Button |
Key | pulsar.<sobjectAPIName>.toplevellist.hideCreateButton |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | FALSE |
Compatibility |
Description | Administrators use this setting to override the user's permission so that they are unable to add records from the object's main list view. Note that a setting of 'false' will not grant the user access to create records if they are currently unable to do so on the Salesforce Web UI. |
Notes/Comments |
Name | Show the 'Recent' records listview |
Key | pulsar.listviews.recentView.enabled |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | TRUE |
Compatibility |
Description | By default, Pulsar includes an additional listview for every object named 'Recent'. This listview shows only records accessed from that device since the first sync. You may specify this setting with a value of FALSE to hide this listview. |
Notes/Comments | This listview represents records accessed from this device only and not any records accessed via the Salesforce website. |
Name | Reference field filters for create/edit |
Key | pulsar.<sobjectAPIName>.<sobjectFieldName>.whereClause pulsar.<sobjectAPIName>.<recordTypeDevName>.<sobjectFieldName>.whereClause ... |
Value | PSL that returns a result string via SetResult action |
Default Value (if any) | |
Compatibility |
Description | Choosing a value for a reference/lookup field when creating/editing an object may by default require the user to navigate a very large selection of choices (depending on the size of the data set). This Pulsar Setting allows running a specific PSL filter to constrain the user's choices. The value returned by the final |
Notes/Comments | In the following example, imagine a In this example, choosing a value for the |
Name | Show the ListView selector when selecting objects to fill lookup fields |
Key | pulsar.listViews.enableReferenceListViewSelector |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | FALSE |
Compatibility |
Description | When enabled, this setting allows the user to use any of the available ListViews when selecting an object for a lookup field. |
Notes/Comments | This listview represents records accessed from this device only and not any records accessed via the Salesforce website. |
Name | Enable the Option to Perform Online Searches in Object and Reference ListViews |
Key | |
Value | TRUE / FALSE |
Default Value (if any) | FALSE |
Compatibility |
Description | New to version 5.0: This functionality adds the ability to fetch records that may not be synced on a user's device. When enabled, this option adds a button titled "Click here to search online" to the end of Object and Reference ListViews. If selected, any subsequent searches will be performed against SFDC's servers using a SOSL query. If any record is selected from an online search, that record will be integrated into the device's database using single-object sync (the same functionality that underlies pull-to-refresh). |
Notes/Comments | Any queries made with online search currently disregard the currently selected PickList and any applied filters - all records are searched. Only 10 records are returned. Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) is a search language that is used to perform text searches in records against any applicable text field. More information can be found here: |
Name | Reference List View Filter |
Key | pulsar.<sobjectAPIName>.<recordTypeDevName>.<relationshipAPIName>.whereClause |
Value | PSL that returns a result string via SetResult action |
Default Value (if any) | |
Compatibility |
Description | This Pulsar Setting allows you to further filter records that are displayed in a specific related list. To implement this setting, you must specify valid PSL and it should end with a SetResult PSL Action that sets the related list criteria. The value returned by the The following example returns criteria to show only records owned by the current user that are in 'Active' status. |
Notes/Comments | Note: You may specify default in the place of recordTypeDevName if there are no record types or if you want it apply to all record types for the object specified in sobjectAPIName. For example, using the key 'pulsar.Account.default.Contacts.whereClause' will apply this where clause criteria to the Contacts related list for all Account record types. |