Pulsar SFS Toolbar Item Visibility on Native Screens

Pulsar SFS Toolbar Item Visibility on Native Screens

Most toolbar items on native object detail screens are hidden by default. This is because the primary method of interacting with your data in SFS should be with the SFS HTML interface. You may override this behavior and control individual toolbar item visibility at the object type / record type level.

Pulsar Setting:



The setting’s value is a list of object/record type specific lines following either of these formats:

  • {object type}.{record type developer name} : {list of toolbar items to enable visibility on}

  • {object type} : {list of toolbar items to enable visibility on}

You may specify as many object/record type visibility assignments as you like with each assignment separated by a newline. Object type refers to the unique object type API name and is required. The record type developer name is optional, but if specified along with an object-only setting, the more specific setting will be preferred. The list of toolbar items is a comma separated list of special terms that each identify a specific toolbar button. Note, specifying an item only enables the visibility of the button; The button still may not show if it is not valid in the current context. For example, if no links or documents are associated with the object, then those buttons will not be displayed.


The list of available toolbar items you can specify are:

  • chatter (provides access to the object’s feed)

  • custom (to execute custom PSL defined actions)

  • links (to navigate to any custom links)

  • documents (to open any custom defined html/js documents to execute in this object’s context)

  • lightning (provides access to an object’s quick actions)

Additionally, if you intend to make all items visible in the assignment, you may instead use this term as the sole list item: showall


Examples of values:

  • Account.Customer_Account : lightning

  • Contact : documents,links

  • Case : showall


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