Pulsar Images API

Rich Text Image fields

When an org is configured to sync rich text images, a common task is to make those images available offline within a javascript/HTML customization. This is necessary because the salesforce field data only contains the Salesforce URL to the image, rather than the local Pulsar location for the image. The getrtfimages API call will read the field data, translate the Salesforce URL to the locally synced image location, and return the modified rich text content.

Note: The Id and Fields arguments are required for this API to work and return data. Not supplying Id argument will result in an error. Not supplying Fields argument will cause no data to be returned.

var request = { "type" : "getRTFImages", "object" : "Some_Custom_Object__c", // Required: the object type "data" : { // Required: Record Id for the object containing the Rich Text images fields "Id" : "0011000000iW9YuAAK", // Required: list of specific fields to retrieve. "Fields" : [ "RichText_Field1__c", "Rich_Text_2__c" ] } }; pulsarBridge.sendRequest(request, function (result) { if (result.type === 'getrtfimagesResponse') { var response = result.data; // this will be a dictionary of field->RichTextContent pairs alert('RichText_Field1__c content: ' + response['RichText_Field1__c']); alert('Rich_Text_2__c content: ' + response['Rich_Text_2__c']); } else { console.log('getrtfimages failed: '+ result.data) // data is an error string } });