Object Schema Information
Object Schema Information
Retrieving Schema Metadata
Pulsar can provide Salesforce sObject Describe metadata using the getSobjectSchema API. This includes database-level descriptive information about the Salesforce object and it’s fields. The response is a string that matches the DescribeSObjectResult JSON format from salesforce according to , and it must be parsed in order to be used as a javascript object.
var request = {
type: 'getSobjectSchema',
object: 'Account', // Required: SObject unique name
data: { } // empty
bridge.sendRequest(request, function (result) {
if (result.type === 'sobjectschemaResponse') { // case-sensitive
var describeSObjectJSON = result.data; // you must parse this JSON string
var describeSObject = JSON.parse(describeSObjectJSON);
else {
console.log('error: '+ result.data)
The response looks like the following:
"type": "sobjectschemaResponse",
"object": "Account",
Where JSON_OBJECT_STRING will have the format described in the Salesforce DescribeSObjectResult documentation.