Service appointment map is now hidden when there is no destination address
Deep links to service appointments created offline now work properly
Improved error messaging around requirements for FSL to work (ServiceResource, FSMSettings)
"Current time sheets" now includes timesheets that start and end "today"
Added support for goBack() and goBackToTab() functions on the Pulsar window object.
Single object sync added for objects opened through notifications in FSL.
Added support for new Pulsar Settings
pulsar.fsl.layout.showAssignContactButton (default is true)
Schedule is refreshed whenever a flow, quick action, or notification has been completed/received
Added support for pulsar.setTitle("page title"). This is now a feature of the pulsar window object
Notifications that reference objects now route to those objects in FSL.
goHome() now routes to the current day on the schedule page
Improvements to ensure navigation carousel shows up
Service report footer size fix for iOS
Added support dispatchToHomeApp feature