Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


See: Pulsar FSL Lightning Bolt Menu Customizations

Accessing the Bridge

The 3-2. Pulsar Platform - JS Bridge API is fully accessible from any custom document running in the Pulsar FSL environment.


Code Block
var pulsar = window.parent.pulsar;

// Go back to the previous Pulsar page
// * only relevant to pages launched from a Pulsar SObject page
// * Tab bar pages will be the "root" of that tab, so back will be ignored

// Go home to the schedule page
// * useful if you navigate from one custom document to another
// * safe way to exist a stack of custom navigated pages

// Go back to the last non-custom-document on this tab's navigation history.
// * a user can create a series of custom documents which work together and
// and then call this method to dismiss them all and return to the initial
// page in the navigation history that launched the first custom document.

// Open another custom document
// * Important - you must specify a document Id or title. If both are null,
// this method will fail, if you want to open by title, pass null for the Id
pulsar.displayContentDocument(aDocumentId, aDocumentTitle, { "someParameter": "a value" }, function () {
  alert("Document has been displayed.");

// Show/Hide a Spinner that disables the Pulsar FSL UI
// do some time consuming work

// Set Page Title
// Custome pages will have an empty title unless set explicitly.
pulsar.setTitle("My Title");

// Show/Hide the Pulsar FSL navigation bar
// Your page is responsible for re-displaying the navigation bar

// Create a named handler that will execute whenever a sync finishes
// IMPORTANT: Please clean up your handler as shown below.
pulsar.addSyncFinishedHandler('myHandler', function(syncFinishedInfo) {
  console.log('Sync finished with info!', syncFinishedInfo);

// Create a named handler that will execute whenever a sync update event occurs
// IMPORTANT: Please clean up your handler as shown below.
pulsar.addSyncUpdateHandler('myHandler', function(updateInfo) {
  console.log('Sync updated with info!', updateInfo);

Page and Component Resizing
